Terms of Use

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Thank you for your interest in our illustrations. Please read our Terms of Service carefully before making a purchase.

 After purchase, a download link will be sent to your email address.

You may freely use unprocessed digital data illustration materials as long as you do not redistribute them on the Internet as materials in their original form.

Anyone can use it, regardless of whether they are an individual or a corporation.
Royalty-free. Can be used for both paid and free purposes, regardless of age restrictions.
No prior or subsequent notice or credit is required.
You can freely edit, composite, and trace without restrictions.
Redistribution and sale of works created using the materials are permitted, as long as the unprocessed materials are not used as the main product.

Examples of permitted use
Games, apps, websites, blogs, books, posters, business cards, pamphlets, flyers, printed materials, video materials, templates, demo screen images, presentation materials, logos, designs, wallpapers, Vtubers, live streaming, SNS, etc.

Prohibited Uses
You may not use antisocial content that may violate laws such as crime, harm people, spread misinformation, or target people in a vulnerable position.
You may not use unprocessed digital data itself for redistribution as material, nor may you provide it to stock photo services.

We shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or dispute with a third party resulting from the use of this material.

Please understand that this is an AI-based illustration.